Normo – €

Minderbroedersrui 30, 2 000 Anvers,
+32 495 65 72 43
A pioneer in Antwerp, Normobegan roasting his own coffee beans years ago. Jens Oris, the founder, is inexhaustible on the subject: “We want to express what the farmers can offer, by serving
a coffee that is pure”, he explained. In this little café nestled somewhere between the city center and the north of Antwerp, what you see is what you get. Each blend is different. The Ethiopian Burka Silinga reveals flavors of citrus fruits, apricots and jasmine with a long finish, while the Rock Mountain Reserve tastes of exotic fruits – a unique experience. At first, Jens roasted his beans on site, hidden behind the Marzocco Strada – the Rolls Royce of espresso machines. He has since opened his own coffee-roasting atelier close to the city, in Borgerhout.
“By roasting a maximum of 15kg at a time, we can control each detail, and honor the terroir of each grain” he explained passionately. At Normo, the coffee-lover finds him or herself torn between the unique blends, the lattes, the filter coffee, and the cold extraction brews…Accompanied by carrot cake or crisp granola for breakfast, curled up on the big couch, the initiation is delightful. With this humble desire to offer the best, it’s no surprise that Normo attracts more and more demanding restaurateurs, from Julien Burlat to Davy Schellemans, who now serve his nectars. And last but not least, Normo sells its coffee online, in Belgium and beyond.